What fun!
Agfa APX 100 4"x5" Sheet film, approx. f/280, 1 minute exposure, developed in HC-110 for 7 min.
Field Trips, Projects, Series, Learning, Testing, Playing.
Here is a shot of John...
Shot on my Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT with Tamron 17-50 f2.8 lens. Settings: 17mm, f/11, 0.5 seconds, ISO 100. I steadied the camera on the railing of the boardwalk to get the slow shutter speed, and thus the soft water effect. Also, I set the camera to -1.3 exposure compensation, as the forest was dark, and a normal setting would have blown out the highlights of the water.
Here is another image - Hope found this fern at the side of the trail for me. Settings: Canon Digital Rebel XT, Tamron 17-50 f2.8 lens at f/8, 1/80 sec., ISO 400, -0.7 exposure compensation, 50mm focal length.