Friday, July 12, 2013

Canadian Camera Conference 2013

Over the weekend of June 28-30, 2013 I had the opportunity to attend the biennial (I learned a new word today!) CAPA Canadian Camera Conference here in Fredericton, NB. I attended as a volunteer and a paid conference goer. This event was organized in conjunction with Photo Fredericton, the local photography club. I have been an active member of the club's executive since moving here 6 or so years ago.

This was my first photography conference, it was well worth the money, and it was very well run. The speakers were amazing, captivating, experienced, friendly and passionate about photography. The 'big' names giving keynote addresses were Freeman Patterson and David duChemin. I became familiar with Freeman only after moving to New Brunswick. I know now he is a Canadian photographic icon - my bad. David duChemin was also unknown to me, maybe I had a glimmer of recognition from reading articles in magazines like Photo Life, or Outdoor Photography Canada. This just serves to illustrate that I need to look at more photos by the guys (and girls) who are doing it right. BTW- I do know who Ansel Adams is. :P

The three photographers who I will remember most are David duChemin, Kurt Budliger and Freeman Patterson - each for a different reason. Freeman, not for his photography, but for what I am coming to realize is a deep understanding of photography and how it speaks about the photographer. Freeman is also very aware of every part of the photograph he is making and why it is there - and his connection to it. His presentation helped me realize that my photographs are about me as much as anything and are unique because of that. David DuChemin is an amazing speaker, funny, sarcastic, and very passionate about life and photography. He illustrated to me that photos are about feeling and story, also that they take work - and that work is part of the process of creating a great photo, and you may learn something along the way. I could listen to David speak for hours! Kurt Budliger is a very friendly and knowledgeable landscape photographer - his images are gorgeous! He fulfilled my need for technical learning by introducing me to some tools and techniques in Lightroom 5 which will speed up my workflow and help me tweak my best images. While his post processing technical knowledge was great - he was always reiterating that the goal was to get it right in the field and spend as little time as is required on the computer.

There were more speakers who also imparted much useful information, but I wanted to point these individuals out as they had the most impact on me.

What did I learn?
  • Stop taking safe photos.
  • Shoot more, and bring your camera with you to more places.
  • Experiment, try things, make photo sketches (all those shots that lead you to the great one)
  • Connect with your subjects, create mood and feeling - these are most important.
  • New Gear is not the answer - it is just a box for gathering light. Learn the equipment you have.
  • Photography is work, photography is art.
  • Get excited and live life, it is short!

The next conference is in 2015 in Vancouver - beautiful place, consider going.