Tuesday, July 28, 2009


At the end of June, Photo Fredericton went on a weekend trip to Bouctouche, which is about 30 min. north of Moncton.

We went to a variety of locations to take photos, and while I thought the area was better suited to a week long family camping trip than to an abundance of photographic opportunities, I enjoyed the time out of the city to talk photography and focus on picture taking.

We went to a variety of location and I will share some photos from each. I usually used my Digital Camera - the Canon 20D, but also shot a roll of medium format film on my Zeiss Ikon folding camera, using Ilford FP4+ developed and scanned at home. These were taken at the Irving Park - The Dunes.

We stayed in a wonderful place called Auberge Le Vieux Presbytère de Bouctouche. It was located across from an old Convent, now museum, and next to a cemetery. I guess it was the Priest's residence originally, but the church had burned down some time ago. Here are a couple of photos from the environs...

Our first sight was the lighthouse at Cap Lumiere, while not a real light house, it did offer a number of photographic opportunities.

More to come....


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Spring in New Brunswick means Lupines!

There are tons and tons of lupines here in New Brunswick, and while they are common, they are varied in their colour and size. They provide many opportunities for exploration in composition and experimentation.

Click here for Wikipedia info on Lupine.

They are only out in their prime for a few weeks, so you need to act if you want to photograph them.

I am a little behind in my editing and blogging, but these were taken June 14, 2009 at midday in a buggy farmer's field about 15 min from my home. I love the one with the bumble bee - it was a huge bee and its legs were covered in pollen as you can see in the photo. I was practicing the technique of having blurry foreground elements present to help place and frame the subject.

There were a few daisys out as well...

Most of these photos were taken on a Canon 20D, with Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 lens set on aperture priority at f/2.8 and zoomed to 50mm, and using a polarizing filter.

All RAW files were tweaked in post production, but mainly just a slight colour balance, and exposure correction. The first daisy photo was a horizontal crop from a vertical photo, and vignetting was added.
