Monday, April 25, 2011

Another Nikon SB-24 and an SLR Rain jacket!

OK... still spending..

I currently have a number of different flashes, and I decided it would make my life easier if I downsized and streamlined. I just picked up another Nikon SB-24 from e-bay – came in at about $100 all said and done. These are great flashes! Powerful (guide number approx. 120), excellent brand, and they tilt and swivel, have a low trigger voltage, take 4xAA batteries, have manual power adjustments from full to 1/16th, and have a PC socket. I usually use them off camera, but I can put them on my Canon 40D / 50D in auto mode.

My flash kit is now setup in pairs. I have a Canon 580ex II, a Canon 580ex, 2x Nikon SB-24’s, and 2x Nikon SB-20’s. The rest is gone or going – now I can match up the flashes, and better predict and control the light coming out of them.

I also picked up a package of OP/TECH SLR Rainsleeve covers – I am shooting a marathon (rain or shine) and heading on Vacation this summer and wanted to be prepared for the weather!

Here are some stock shots:

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